Saturday, September 20, 2008

Latest Amsn with Anti-Aliasing

I dont know if they fixed in repositories but if they not

Here is how to install with antialiasing

Download from here the deb package.

In Terminal:

sudo apt-get install tcl8.5 tk8.5

sudo dpkg -i amsn_0.97b_tcltk_8.5.deb

its ready, you can update to latest version with no problem from ubuntu package manager.

Another Fix is to open hotmail with firefox and use Nautilus for Files

Go to Account - Preferences - Other

Change to browser mozilla $url to firefox $url
Change to File Manager to nautilus open $location

Enjoy :)


Saturday, August 9, 2008

How to Install SlickneSS One of the Best Theme

To install first download the theme from HERE

Then Right click the file and select extract here

In terminal run these commands:

sudo cp -r $HOME/Desktop/SlicknesS /usr/share/themes

sudo chmod 777 /usr/share/themes/SlicknesS/Slickness.jpg

a firefox Fix:

cp /usr/share/themes/SlicknesS/userChrome.css $HOME/.mozilla/firefox/*.default/chrome

Open the theme manager, now you can see the Slickness theme as a theme when you click on it , it suggests a wallpaper, click apply to apply the wallpaper!

and now the how to the icons, Download from Here

Save the file and right click to extract here copy the folder with icons in ~/.icons then go into System->Prefs->Appearance and Customize the Slickness theme and select icons Tab and then select black-white_style big.

And you are ready!!!

* If $HOME doesnt work for you change it with /home/you username/

* ~ this is you home folder, to view the folder .icons must go to nautilus View Tab and click Show Hidden Files


Monday, August 4, 2008

Download youtube videos and convert them to AVI

Download youtube videos and convert them to .avi you just give:

sudo apt-get install youtube-dl ffmpeg

To Download YouTube Video give:

youtube-dl -o example.flv ""

and to convert to avi:

ffmpeg -i example.flv example.avi

(of course change the name of the video as you please and the youtube link to the video you want to download).



Play youtube videos directly in Totem Movie Player

Play youtube videos directly in Totem Movie Player (Hardy):

Open Movie Player, go to

Edit > Plugins and enable “Youtube Browser”

then in the right panel select “Youtube” and then just search for a video.

It works with full-screen too :)

Also you can install the Totem Movie Player H.264 plugin for youtube for better quality,

For Gutsy download Here

and extract the files in


For Hardy is ready

Deb File.

Enjoy YouTube direct:)


A backup Utility -Remastersys- Must Have

Remastersys is a tool that can be used to do 2 things with an existing Klikit or Ubuntu or derivative installation.

1. It can make a full system backup including personal data to a live cd or dvd that you can use anywhere and install.
2. It can make a distributable copy you can share with friends. This will not have any of your personal user data in it.

Just Paste the following into the sources.list:

deb remastersys/

in terminal give :

sudo apt-get update

and just install it

sudo apt-get install remastersys

after that you can find it in System - Administrator

you can make a full backup of your ubuntu in ISO and burn it!

if something goes wrong with you ubuntu you just install the dvd like the
original ubuntu distro! but with all your stuff!!!

Its must have software!!!!



Sunday, July 27, 2008

Turn Your Ubuntu Hardy to Mac OSX Leopard

There is many steps you have to make, but definitely deserve it.

If you want to change this:

ubuntu-desktop-original into

ubuntu-leopard-screenshot , follow the steps below.

Before we start…

First, create a folder in your Home and name it Mac_files. Download the following files to the Mac_files folder.

Using Archive manager, extract the three Mac4Lin zip files to the Mac_files folder.

Apply Mac OSX Leopard Theme

Go to System->Preferences->Appearance.


Select Install and select the Mac4Lin GTK theme (/home/username/Mac_files/Mac4Lin_v0.4/GTK Metacity Theme/Mac4Lin_GTK_v0.4.tar.gz).


Next, click Install again and select the Mac4Lin icon theme. (/home/username/Mac_files/Mac4Lin_Icons_Part2_v0.4.tar.gz). When prompted, select “Apply new themes“.

Click Install again and select the Mac4Lin mouse cursor theme. (/home/username/Mac_files/Mac4Lin_v0.4/GTK Cursor Theme/Mac4Lin_Cursors_v0.4.tar.gz). Select “Apply new themes” when prompted.


Click ‘customize’ and choose Mac4Lin_GTK_v0.4. Go to the “Window border” tab, choose Mac4Lin_GTK_v0.4. Click Close.


On the top, go to the Background tab. Click Add and select the Leopard wallpaper. (/home/username/Mac_files/Wallpapers/Leopard.jpg). Click Close to terminate the Appearance window


Install the Dock (Avant Window Navigator)

Open a terminal (Applications->Accessories->Terminal) and type

gksu gedit /etc/apt/sources.list

and add the following lines to the end of the file:

deb hardy main
deb-src hardy main

Save and close the file. In your terminal, type

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install avant-window-navigator-trunk awn-manager-trunk awn-extras-applets-trunk

Go to System->Preferences->AWN manager. On the left, click on the Theme. On the right, click Add and navigate to the Mac_files folder. Select the Elegant_glass.tgz file. Check the bullet beside the Elegant glass theme and click Apply.


Next on the left, click on the Applet icon. On the right, scroll down to the stack Applet. Highlight it, then click Activate. This will add the Mac Leopard stack to your dock.


Before you launch the AWN, remove the bottom panel from the desktop first. Right click on the bottom panel and select “delete this panel”. Open AWN via Applications->Accessories->Avant Window Navigator. Once it is activated, you can simply drag and drop the applications into the dock.

Install OSX Fonts

Open a terminal and type the following:

sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts

This will Install the Microsoft core fonts.

Next, copy the OSX fonts to the fonts folder

cd /usr/share/fonts

sudo tar xvzf /home/username/Mac_files/Mac4Lin_v0.4/Fonts/OSX_Fonts.tar.gz

Configure the fonts:

sudo tar xvjpf /home/username/Mac_files/Mac4Lin_v0.4/Fonts/fontconfig.tbz -C /etc/fonts

Open the Appearance window (System->Preferences->Appearance) and select Fonts tab. Select the following fonts according to the image below. Click Close.


Change the traffic light window control to the left

In the terminal, type


This will bring up the gconf-editor window. Scroll down to App->Metacity->general. On the right, double click on the button_layout and change the content to ‘close,minimize,maximize:menu’ (without the quote). Click Ok and close the gconf-editor.



Change the menubar

Remove all the icon and applications on the left side of the top panel. Right-click on the icon and select ‘Remove from panel‘. You will left with something like this:


On the right of the top panel, remove the logout icon. Still on the right hand side of the top panel, right click and select ‘Add to panel‘. Scroll down the list and add ‘Search for files‘. This will add the spotlight icon to the panel.


On the extreme left, right-click and select ‘Add to panel‘. Scroll down the list and add ‘Main Menu‘. This will add the apple icon on the left. You can now log out and shut down from the Apple dropdown menu (same as Mac OSX).


Next, we are going to install globalmenu so as to display the menubar for each application. In your terminal, (Updated: The globalmenu only works in 32bit machines.)

cd Mac_files


tar zxvf gnome-globalmenu-0.4-svn964.tar.gz

cd globalmenu

sudo dpkg -i *.deb

If you have any errors when installing the package, try

sudo dpkg -i –force-overwrite *.deb

If you are having some installation problems with the gnome-globalmenu-applet, try

sudo apt-get install -f

Once finished, right click on the top panel and select ‘Add to panel‘. Scroll down the list and add ‘Global Menu Applet‘.


You might not see anything initially. Log out and log in again, you should now see the menubar for each application showing on the panel.

If your globalmenu is of a different shade of grey from the rest of the panel (as shown in the image below), right click on any empty space on the panel and select ‘Properties‘. Go to Background tab and select ‘Background image’. Under the selection, go to /home/username/.themes/Mac4Lin_GTK_v0.4/gtk-2.0/Panel and select panel-bg.png. Click OK.


Drag the globalmenu to the left just beside the Apple icon. Right click on the globalmenu and select ‘Preferences’. Tick the box beside ‘Display the title of the current application‘ and put maximum width 100. Select the font to be Lucida Grande Bold. Click Apply and OK. You should now have a desktop that resemble Mac Leopard.



Configuring the Login screen

Click on the Apple icon, go to System->Administration->Login Window. On the Local tab, click Add. Navigate to the path /filesystem/home/username/Mac_files/Mac4Lin_v0.4/GDM Theme and select the file Mac4Lin_GDM_v0.4.tar.gz. Check the box beside the newly installed theme to activate it.


Underneath, there is a color selection field, select it and key in the number E5E5E5 into the color code field.


Click Ok. Log out. You should see the login screen as the diagram below.


Configure usplash screen

usplash is the screen that you see when your computer is booting up. We are going to change it to show the white apple screen. In your terminal,

sudo apt-get install startupmanager

Go to System->Administration->Start-Up Manager Go to Appearance tab. Click on the ‘Manage bootloader theme‘. Click Add and navigate to the file /filesystem/home/username/Mac_files/Mac4Lin_v0.4/GRUB Splash/appleblack.xpm.gz. Check the box “Use background image for bootloader menu” and select ‘appleblack”.



Next, click “Manage usplash theme”. Click Add and add the file /filesystem/home/username/Mac_files/Mac4Lin_v0.4/USplash Theme/ Click OK. Select OSX-splash from the dropdown box.

Now reboot. You should see the following images:



Creating Dashboard effect

We will use a combination of screenlets and Compiz widget plugin to achieve the dashboard effect.

Install Screenlets

sudo apt-get install screenlets compizconfig-settings-manager

Go to System->Preferences->Advanced Desktop Effect Setting. On the Left, click on Desktop. On the right, put a check beside ‘Widget layer’


Go to Accessories->Screenlets. Activate the widgets that you want to display. Right click on the widget and select ‘Properties’. Go to Options tab and select ‘Treat as widget’. Do this for all the widgets that you have activated.


You can now see your dashboard in action by pressing F9.


Done. You have completed the transformation of your Ubuntu desktop to Mac OSX Leopard.

Some screenshots:




Do it Easy with 125 Nautilus Scripts

A collection of 125 Nautilus scripts to simplify your Nautilus experience.

Open up a terminal:

cd ~/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts

tar zxvf nautilus-scripts.tar.gz

And thats it!

A Few scripts "may" be outdated.


Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Install Software and doesnt appears in Applications Menu?

Sometimes we install software and there is nothing after that in Applications, gnome needs install to show them, not anymore :)

after install if theres nothing in the Applications just enter in Terminal:

killall gnome-panel
Thats it! After that will be there:)


Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Monitor CPU and Graphic Card temperatures with Applet

Open Terminal:

sudo apt-get install lm-sensors sensors-applet

Add the sensors applet to your desktop panel. Right click on an empty are of your panel, and choose Add to Panel.... Then choose the Hardware Sensors Monitor entry out of the list.


Show the Computer, Home, and Trash desktop icons in GNOME

Open the Configuration Editor (Al+F2), by running the program gconf-editor.

Choose apps->nautilus->desktop.

Tick the box beside computer_icon_visible, home_icon_visible, and trash_icon_visible. The changes take effect immediately.

Check Your Desktop:)


Monday, July 14, 2008

Best MSN Client Emesene!

One of the best alternative MSN client with clean interface is Emesene!

Is added on Hardy Repositories!!

just paste in terminal:

sudo apt-get install emesene
and enjoy!!!


How to: Install The Google Gadgets in Ubuntu!

Google Gadget was only for Windows and Mac, now finnaly is for Linux.

Here is how we install them!

Open System->Administration->Software Sources->Third Party repo's

we add this

deb hardy main
Reload Repos!!!

After that in Terminal :

sudo apt-get install google-gadgets
and we execute it

Press Alt-F2 and type in ggl-gtk

Thats it!!!

If you want to auto start google gadgets:

open sessions via System->Preferences->Sessions
Then click +Add and input the fields like this:
Name:Google Gadgets
Command Line:sleep 10 ; ggl-gtk
Click ok and then make sure its check marked to startup.


How to : Install a brand new Dock with expandable menu's for Ubuntu Hardy Heron!

One of the Best Dock in ubuntu is cairo dock,

and here is how we install it!!!

We add the repository to System->Administration->Software Sources->Third Party Software->Add:

deb gutsy cairo-dock
Click Reload.

Open up synaptic Package Manager:

System->Administration->Synaptic and search for cairo-dock and cairo-dock-plug-ins then click install.

Once Installed you can find and execute Cairo Dock via Applications->System Tools->Cairo Dock

You can check for plugins or addons Here

And Here is a Documentation



D4x- Download for X with Rapidshare Fix

After the trick you can have latest d4x working with rapidshare fixed!

First we open Terminal

and then we install the latest d4x from ubuntu repositories

sudo apt-get install d4x

sudo apt-get install d4x-common

do not close terminal!

then we Download the patch

we extract the patch with right click -Extract Here-

then with terminal we go to the folder that we extract the patch and give

sudo sh

and we done!

enjoy full latest working D4X! the patch work with later version of d4x after update we execute only the patch!


First Post

Welcome to my blog,

Here i will add tips & trips and how to for Ubuntu Linux!
